Data in accordance with § 5 of the German Teleservices Act
Unternehmungsgruppe RECON-T GmbH - RECON GmbH
Forststraße 20-24
16303 Schwedt
Represented by:
Forststraße 20-24
16303 Schwedt
Telephone: 03332 439622
Fax: 03332 439623
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VAT ID UE: European VAT ID in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE186523243
Source of used pictures and drawings shutterstock
Conception, design and programming [Format Werbe GmbH, 16303 Schwedt]
Telephone: 03332 418081
Fax: 03332 418082
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Responsibility for the content
As a service provider in accordance with § 7 of the German Teleservices Act we are responsible for the content on these websites based on applicable law. However inn accordance with §§ 8 to 10 of the German Teleservices Act we are not obliged neither to supervising transmitted or recorded information from foreign sources nor to study the history of its existing, that demonstrates unlawful activities. Thus the obligation to removing or blocking using information in accordance with the applicable law are untouched. However responsibility in that scope is possible only since the time of acquired knowledge about law breaking. At the time of getting information about the given law breaking, we remove that content immediately.
Responsibility for links
Our offer contents links to the websites of external websites third party, at we have no influence on its contents. That is why we could not be responsible for the contents of these external websites. For the content of the linked websites is responsible the given tenderer or a websites administrator. At the time of linking the linked websites were checked in respect of possible offence. At the time of linking unlawful contents were not found. It shell not be required the constant control of the linked websites content, without any circumstantial evidence of law breaking. At the time of getting any information about breaking the law, we will remove these links immediately.
Contents and works made and appeared on the administrator websites are governed by the German copyright law. Copying, edition, distributing and every kind of using beyond the copyright law line need the writing consent of the author or the person who made that contents. Downloading and copying of these pages are allowed only for personal non commercial use. If the contents on these websites were not made by the administrator, the third party copyright law is legally binding. Especially favourable are contents of the third parties. If, in spite of these you will find the copyright law breaking, please inform us about it. At the time, we get any information about the given law breaking, we remove that contents immediately.
Source: Disclaimer eRecht24 Disclaimer available on eRecht24, portal about the Internet law belongs to the lawyer Sören Siebert